更好的工作, 更好的世界: Arianna Fazzi of PCMC

  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
    数字战略 & Barry-Wehmiller的内容主管

Barry-Wehmiller has acquired almost 130 companies around the world.

We have more than 12,000 team members in 28 countries. And from Green Bay, Wisconsin to Lucca, Italy, we continually see that people are just people. They’re all in search of the same thing: They want to know that who they are and what they do matter.

Incidentally, Green Bay and Lucca are two important cities for Barry-Wehmiller. Green Bay is the international headquarters for the BW转换解决方案 platform of companies and the birthplace of 造纸机械公司(PCMC). Lucca is the heart of PCMC’s operations in the Eastern Hemisphere.

BW转换解决方案 is a strategic alliance of resources and services that brings together six Barry-Wehmiller companies — PCMC, Winkler + d nnebier (W+D), STAX技术, 鲍德温科技有限公司., Hudson-Sharp, 北方雕刻机械. These industry leaders offer trusted brands and innovative technologies in the design, 制造, service of high-performance converting and packaging machinery for the tissue, 非织造布, 卫生, bag-converting, 邮政业及印刷业.

Arianna Fazzi has been working at the BW转换解决方案 site in Lucca for three years now. 她一开始是在PCMC实习, then accepted a position in reception and is now part of the BW转换解决方案 Marketing Communications team.

For Arianna, her time working at our Lucca facility has been special because of the people.

“这是一个大家庭,”阿里安娜说. “外围十大菠菜app彼此认识. When we finish work, we go sometimes to have an aperitif. 外围十大菠菜app一起吃晚饭.”

And she said that sense of family is representative of the Barry-Wehmiller culture.

“If I can go to work in that friendly environment, 多亏了这一点, 我可以在那里建立良好的关系,阿里安娜说. “当我在那里的时候,我真的感到很感激. And it reflects also on my personal life because I can go back home feeling grateful for what I've done during the day and so, (then) I can spend a great time with my family.”

Arianna said that sense of family also extends to PCMC’s and BW 转换’s customers.

“A customer should care about purchasing from us because when they come into in contact with a Barry-Wehmiller company, they found a supplier that treats them like a family member because suppliers are people too,”她说。. “We have in our DNA that thing to care for the other first. So, we have this culture of service and we try to give them the best service possible. We try to care for them from their first visit to our facility, to the aftermarket service.”

In 2022, Arianna had the opportunity to visit a sister Barry-Wehmiller company, BW Papersystems, 在他们位于菲利普斯的工厂里, WI. She was invited as a group of people from across the greater BW 组织 to evaluate and reimagine how we approach our recognition programs

Finding ways to hold up the good in our 组织, celebrate and thank our people is just one of the ways we try to let them know that they matter.

“To me, recognition is really important,阿里安娜说. “I’ve received some recognition in the past and I felt speechless, because I didn't imagine that I really counted like that, 人们对我的看法. I'm kind of a not so self-confident person, those recognitions really helped me a lot to gain self-confidence.”

BW CEO Bob 查普曼 challenged the group at the beginning of the conference: How do you create a consistent practice of recognizing the goodness in our people and say “thank you” in timely and appropriate ways?

Arianna and the other members of the group took the challenge very seriously – in the spirit of continuous improvement – to reevaluate our recognition programs to make sure they still have the same impact as before, 以及外围十大菠菜app如何能做得更好.

“I met a group of people that from the first time that I saw them remotely, 但这也是我第一次亲自来到这里, they make made me feels like part of a big family,阿里安娜谈到这次经历时说. “They are so friendly, always smiling, it's really incredible.”

The group came out of Phillips with the framework for a brand-new recognition program within Barry-Wehmiller – the SHINE program – that is currently being tested in different parts of our 组织 before greater roll-out.

“My hope after this conference is to make people understand the power of recognition,阿里安娜说. “外围十大菠菜app的文化对人们的力量, to really start to implement programs every day -- recognition, 点对点识别, but to have more recognition throughout our companies. 所以,这就是我对未来的希望.”


更好的工作. 正规博十大app排名 一个视频系列的设计是为了发光吗 light on team members throughout the global Barry-Wehmiller 组织. Watch the video through the link above to learn more


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your 组织? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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